World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA) Working Group on Reservoir Dredging
Progress update 30-08-2023
This year the #WODA #ReservoirDredging Working Group will be presented in the #SedNet Conference, coming Sept. Lisbon!
Prof. Cees van Rhee passed away
A big loss to the whole world dredging community, We extend our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Monique, as well as Cees’s entire family and friends.
Progress update 10-06-2023
A wonderful experience! #WODA #ReservoirDredging Symposium 15th – 16th May in #tudelft Campus! Many Interesting and fruitful discussions. Many thanks to Geert Keetels, Amgad Omer, Dr. Ir. Sritama Sarkar, MRINA, CEng, Guus Derksen, Shaheen Wahab for the nice presentations and demonstration!
Looking forward for the #WODA Guideline Book on #ReservoirDredging!
Announcement on WODA Symposium on Reservoir Dredging
World Organization of Dredging Association’s (WODA) Working Group on Reservoir Dredging is going to hold a symposium in the Delft University of Technology on the 15-16 May, discussing the application of dredging technologies for mitigating the sedimentation problem in reservoirs across the world.
Day 1 of the symposium, 15 May, will be open to all members of our CEDA community, so if you are interested in reservoir dredging, please come and join the first day program.
13:00-14:00 Meet/Greet & Lunch
14:00-17:00 Technical Session – presentations from members and external guests on research / projects related to reservoir dredging
17:00-17:30 Summarize the findings from the technical session and how they relate to the sections in the coming WODA Guideline Book on Reservoir Dredging
17:30-18:00 Visit to the TU Delft Dredging Laboratory
Evening Dinner
Day 2 For members only.
For participation or more information, please contact: Dr. ir. Xiuhan Chen ([email protected])
Progress update 10-04-2023
On Apr. 3rd, the 12th full group meeting of #WODA #ReservoirDredging Working Group was held online. Excellent presentation given by Peter Klemp from SPE GMBH Germany, focusing on the importance of pre-dredging survey and case studies carried out so far.
Preliminary announcement: A symposium on Reservoir Dredging will be held in May in the Campus of Delft University of Technology! Drop me a message if you are interested in joining! 😃
Progress update 20-11-2022
A milestone for #WODA #ResDredWG!
On Nov. 18th, a full group Workshop was held online, where progress reviews from all the three subgroups are presented. Excellent presentations from Dr. Ir. Sritama Sarkar, MRINA, CEng Basanta Jena, Michael Whelan, Meg Jonas, Tim Randle, PhD, PE, D.WRE., Louwrens Elzinga, Polite Laboyrie!
Welcome new members on board! Pieter de Boer and Guus Derksen. Two experts on water regulations and dredging techniques. #WODA #ReservoirDredging #ResDred Working Group
Progress update 30-08-2022
#WODA #ReservoirDredging Working Group – the 9th Full Group Meeting, Aug. 25th. Great progress been made on the WODA Guideline Book on Reservoir Dredging!
And we had a wonderful presentation from Gerben van den Berg of SOLMAX on Practical Sediment Management in Urban Areas & Reservoirs.
Progress update 30-05-2022
WODA ResDred WG made several milestones during the 23rd World Dredging Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, 16-05 -> 20-05, 2022.
- After two years online meetings, we finally meet each other in person. A progress meeting was held on 16-05-2022. While later in the conference, our WG members conducted a lot more discussions!
- For the WODCON XXIII, we had Polite Laboyrie, Cees van Rhee, Xiuhan Chen, Wei Shi, Gerben van den Berg, Marcel Hermans, David Tenwolde, Johan Pennekamp, Louwrens Elzinga, Olivier Marcus, Leon van Lent, Ebi Meshkati joining together in Copenhagen. It is the first time we have an off-line meeting in worldwide scale.

WG presentation in WODCON, jointly presented by Polite Laboyrie & Xiuhan Chen

The word cloud received from the audience & Panel discussion together with WODA WG on Safety in Dredging and WG on the Environmental Issues in Deep Sea Mining, hosted by our member Marcel Hermans

Progress update 24-02-2022
A full group meeting was held. Members discussed the order in the new outline of the guideline book.
Dr. Mridul Sarkar has given a presentation about the reservoir sedimentation removal in India.

Progress update 01-10-2021
- Our sincere condolences to the families of Mr. Timothy L. Welp. His pass away is a big loss to the WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group.
WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group (China Area) Symposium held on 18-09-2021

On Sep. 18th, the Reservoir Dredging Symposium was held in Shanghai, in the campus of Engineering Research Center of Dredging. Working group members from China, together with 20 invited (by ChiDA) experts on the topic, gathered together, for the first time, face-to-face since the pandemic breakout, to discuss the sedimentation problem in reservoirs.
Dr. Xiuhan Chen first introduced the progress and focus of the WG, and then Dr. Huiqun Cao (Changjiang Institute of Science) introduced the survey work on the sediments near the Three Gorges Dam. Shuai Jiang (WG member) presented the dredging projects in several small reservoirs in the southwest of China. The symposium then focused on the outlines of WODA Reservoir Dredging Guideline. Writing tasks were distributed among the members.
A great news from the symposium: Five new members joined the WODA ResDred WG via the recommendation of ChiDA (China Dredging Association). We warmly welcome the following five new members from EADA.

WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group Full Group Progress Meeting held on 30-09-2021
A full group progress meeting was held on Sep. 30th. On the meeting it is announced that Dr. David Middlemiss, will work as the secretary for Subgroup 3. Each subgroup has provided their updates for the recent four months work. All the writing tasks have been assigned. The plan for the coming period is: by Oct. 31st, all the members should submit what have already been accomplished. Polite and Xiuhan will check the consistency and overlap among the contents. Discussion will be held with all the subgroup leaders and secretaries, to form a logical and well-organized outline.

Another important agenda of the meeting was the presentation given by Dr. Nikolaos Efthymiou, who is an expert managing the global sediment management study for storage reservoirs and RoR hydropower plants which runs under the Hydropower Development Facility of the World Bank. He introduced the latest development on the sediment management software RESCON 2 (REServoir CONservation). The next step would be members of our working group try with the model and provide some feedback’s.

Progress update 03-05-2021
During the past half year, the WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group (ResDred WG) has made steady progresses. Via a series of discussions, the three subgroups have created their own outlines according to the following three subjects:
- Subgroup 1: Building Inventory of the main problems regarding reservoir sedimentation
- Subgroup 2: Characterization of the different types of reservoirs
- Subgroup 3: Building the inventory of solutions
In April, the three separate outlines are combined into one overall outline, which consists of 25 chapters in total. An overall WG meeting was held on April 30th, where the overall outline has been temporarily approved.

Fig. 1. 3rd overall meeting of WODA ResDred WG on 30-04-2021
We are also happy to have our new member, Mr. Maarten Molhoek, business development manager of Royal IHC (CEDA), to join the WG as the 40th member.
A preliminary schedule for the WG has been created and displayed as below:

The following phases are marked as the milestones:
1 | 9/30/2020 | Working Group established | |
2 | 10/1/2020 | 11/30/2020 | Assign members to three subgroups |
3 | 12/1/2020 | 3/31/2021 | Develop Subgroups outlines |
4 | 4/1/2021 | 5/31/2021 | Develop overall outline |
5 | 6/1/2021 | 6/30/2021 | Assigning writing tasks |
6 | 7/1/2021 | 11/30/2021 | Writing by Subgroups members |
7 | 12/1/2021 | 12/31/2021 | Progress meeting of Subgroups |
6 | 1/1/2022 | 4/30/2022 | Writing by Subgroups members |
8 | 5/1/2022 | 5/31/2022 | Presentation at World Dredging Congress |
6 | 6/1/2022 | 11/30/2022 | Writing by Subgroups members |
9 | 12/1/2022 | 2/28/2023 | Entire document combined |
10 | 3/1/2023 | 5/31/2023 | Editing and approval by Working Group |
11 | 6/1/2023 | 7/31/2023 | Peer review |
12 | 8/1/2023 | 9/30/2023 | Final editing |
13 | 10/1/2023 | Release Final Publication |
It is the faith of our WG that dredging will be one of the most effective solutions to address the sediment problems for reservoirs of the whole world!
WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group
Progress update 03-05-2021
During the past half year, the WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group (ResDred WG) has made steady progresses. Via a series of discussions, the three subgroups have created their own outlines according to the following three subjects:
- Subgroup 1: Building Inventory of the main problems regarding reservoir sedimentation
- Subgroup 2: Characterization of the different types of reservoirs
- Subgroup 3: Building the inventory of solutions
In April, the three separate outlines are combined into one overall outline, which consists of 25 chapters in total. An overall WG meeting was held on April 30th, where the overall outline has been temporarily approved.

Fig. 1. 3rd overall meeting of WODA ResDred WG on 30-04-2021
We are also happy to have our new member, Mr. Maarten Molhoek, business development manager of Royal IHC (CEDA), to join the WG as the 40th member.
A preliminary schedule for the WG has been created and displayed as below:

The following phases are marked as the milestones:
1 | 9/30/2020 | Working Group established | |
2 | 10/1/2020 | 11/30/2020 | Assign members to three subgroups |
3 | 12/1/2020 | 3/31/2021 | Develop Subgroups outlines |
4 | 4/1/2021 | 5/31/2021 | Develop overall outline |
5 | 6/1/2021 | 6/30/2021 | Assigning writing tasks |
6 | 7/1/2021 | 11/30/2021 | Writing by Subgroups members |
7 | 12/1/2021 | 12/31/2021 | Progress meeting of Subgroups |
6 | 1/1/2022 | 4/30/2022 | Writing by Subgroups members |
8 | 5/1/2022 | 5/31/2022 | Presentation at World Dredging Congress |
6 | 6/1/2022 | 11/30/2022 | Writing by Subgroups members |
9 | 12/1/2022 | 2/28/2023 | Entire document combined |
10 | 3/1/2023 | 5/31/2023 | Editing and approval by Working Group |
11 | 6/1/2023 | 7/31/2023 | Peer review |
12 | 8/1/2023 | 9/30/2023 | Final editing |
13 | 10/1/2023 | Release Final Publication |
It is the faith of our WG that dredging will be one of the most effective solutions to address the sediment problems for reservoirs of the whole world!
Progress update 30-12-2020
The WODA Reservoir Dredging Working Group (ResDred WG), is established under the supervision of WODA Technical Orientation Committee (TOC). The goal of this working group is to develop dredging based solutions for the sedimentation problems in reservoirs worldwide.
A complete Terms of Reference (TOR) of the WG can be found via the following link:
The working group has held its kick-off meeting on 30-09-2020. Due to the Covid-19 situation, currently all the WG activities are held online.

Fig. 2. Kick-off meeting of WODA ResDred WG on 30-09-2020
Every month the WG will hold an online meeting, where ideas are exchanged and specific topics are presented by our expert members. A Working Group Committee is organizing and managing the work and activities of the WG. The WG committee includes:
• Polite Laboyrie (Chairman)
• Johan Pennekamp (CEDA)
• Cees van Rhee (CEDA)
• David Padman (EADA)
• Xianguo Qian (EADA)
• Marcel Hermans (WEDA)
• Tim Randle (WEDA)
• Xiuhan Chen (General Secretary)
We are very proud of the status that, up to now, the WODA ResDred WG consists of 39 members coming from all the three sister associations under the WODA umbrella: the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), the Eastern Dredging Association (EADA) and the Western Dredging Association (WEDA).

Polite Laboyne
Chairman | CEDA

Xianguo Qian

Ebi Meshkati

Louwrens Elzinga

Olivier Marcus

Mingjiang Zhao

George Yesu Vedha Victor

Wenjun Yang

Alfredo Ranaldi

Meg Jonas

Johan Pennekamp

Marcel Hermans

Jasper Wijnands

Gerben van den Berg

Maarten Molhoek

Fengkun Zhang

Jintang Zhang

Basanta Kumar Jena

Stan Ekren

Jos Clement

Cees van Rhee

Tim Randle

Wei Shi

Leon van Lent

Shuai Jiang

Zhiqiang Fan

Yutaka Miyaji

Tim Welp

Paulo Henrique Alfenas da Silva

Michael Whelan

Capt. David Padman

Xiuhan Chen
General Secretary

Chris van Son

David Middlemiss

Sritama Sarkar

Mridul Sarkar

Joost Noordermeer

Bob Wetta

Matt Unruh

Jennifer A. Bountry
In the first phase of the WG work (2020-09 ~ 2021-05), the WG is divided into the following three subgroups, and each subgroup will establish the knowledge base of its own topic:
- Subgroup 1: Building Inventory of the main problems regarding reservoir sedimentation
- Subgroup 2: Characterization of the different types of reservoirs
- Subgroup 3: Building the inventory of solutions
The three subgroups will work on the topics of each own. It is expected that the preliminary research results of the three subgroups will be combined on Jun. 2021.
The WG will constantly provide updates on our research results via the WODA website (Reservoir Dredging – World Organization of Dredging Associations (, the conferences of dredging associations, WODCON, dredging-relevant magazines, and scientific journals.
If you have questions or you are interested in joining us, you could either contact your regional dredging association (CEDA, EADA, WEDA) or send an email to the WG secretary-general Xiuhan Chen: [email protected].